Elliot Ballade is an ESER member taking a Christmas Vacation at Dinosaur Island in the year 2018. However, some monsters attacked at his boat and drifted ashore. The whole island is full of monsters. Aided by the boatowner, Dogs Bowers, and chief of security, Janine King, Elliot and Dogs try to find out why the monsters are on Dinosaur Island and try to eliminate the threat. 65 million years ago, a meteorite crashes into the Yucatán Peninsula, subsequently wiping out the dinosaurs and paving the way for humans. Now, in 2000, an island emerges where the meteorite is thought to have landed, and is granted the name "Dinosaur Island." A biotech corporation then takes up shop on the island. In 2018, Eliot Ballade, an elite member of the ESER forces, is vacationing near Dinosaur Island when something mysteriously falls from the sky and leaves the island sealed under a mysterious dome of energy. When a mysterious, ethereal being called Nephilim shows up to chase Ballade, he takes it upon himself to solve the enigma of Dinosaur Island.
Valcha replied
326 weeks ago